Thursday, 31 October 2013

Adventures in the foothills

Mar 30, 2011

- At the beginning of my dream I am on wilderness trip with a group: a beautiful hike in familiar Albertan landscape to a bit of a plateau camping area with easy walks to nice views. (the landscape is very vivid)
- Later I return with Jordan & Steve, on the way in to the site we see many animals, especially going the opposite direction. One looks sort of like a Kudu.
Upon arrival I am shocked, dismayed and angry to see the group that is there now has trampled and flattened everything, pitched tents anywhere. I am determined to get far away from them, especially after one complains there were no animals (they’ve frightened them away)
The people travelling with me are a little reluctant to continue as they don’t want to get lost.
-I reply we just have to follow the beaten path, (“I don’t see a path”)
-A golden eagle and a juvenile are sitting up on a dead tree, but we can see them well
-I look up and greet them, Hello. The juvenile replies “Hi” The parent chastises him with a gentle screech (as if to explain that we don’t talk with them!) I excitedly go and ask the others if they heard him speak to me.. I felt it meant we were on the right path.

-Eventually we come to a small spread out village that seems to be in harmony with nature.
-There is an antique and general store
-A bookish woman in blue & white, in a dress and carrying papers sees that I am looking at a detailed green and painted plate, it seems to depict a scene from a story, and nearby I find an old copy of the tale that matches (it has a black cover and the cover is well worn)
-already in the dream things feel as if not all is as it seems  
-the woman shows me that the plate is one of only four in the world, I should get it, my parents would love to see it
-eventually I realize it is depicting the Green Man
-the woman somehow convinces me to go with her, she wants to discuss things or show me something
-I seem to follow her through all sorts of strangeness, and the landscape is very interesting,
-At one point we encounter a police officer (he is very short, who worked at night, we woke him up accidentally by making noise in front of his home, but he is courteous, by then I am starting to mistrust the woman and I want to return to the shop as I haven’t paid for the plate or book, along our way we have picked up a second book.
-when I make it clear that I am turning back the woman gets angry.
-it is starting to rain and I ask the man for a plastic bag to protect the books, he doesn’t have any but there is one stuck up in the branches of a low tree, which is in the middle of a swampy pond. He pushes past me (I worry for a moment that he is on her side) but he goes and jumps right into the pond (a yellow slicker suddenly appears to cover him) and jumps up to retrieve it.
-he then decides he is going back to bed and runs incredibly fast (yellow slicker gone) back to his wooden home. (it dawns on me that he is a dwarf, of the magic variety).
-as soon as I make it clear that I am going back the woman becomes angry and moves to take the plate and books – I run
-when I make it back to the gold grassy hill (near a cottage we passed earlier) she catches up and we have a tousle, by now I know she is a witch (not evil, just wanting), I also take a broom from her that isn’t hers, after throwing hers next to her on the ground   
-the shop is in sight and I finally arrive back
-as I come into sight of the window of the front door I can see another woman who is dressed clearly as  witch. She eyes me eagerly and comes after me at once – somehow I am knocked flat, “Oh no” I say with exasperation. Then my alarm wakes me. 

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