I am also particularly fond of dreams that include characters I love that others have created. :) Did I mention I love Science Fiction? Be it book, movie or television, it is a rich playground indeed. I also adore insects..
Oct 11 2012
In part of the dream we are in a casual
meeting room with a replicator, couches and a board table. It’s where officers
prepare for the day reading reports, having coffee, and catching up. (Next
generation) Picard looks like he is wearing a grey “on leave” outfit. Troi and
Riker are also present.
An alien vessel is hovering in the sky
passively. Stephen Harper ascends a ramp in a computerized machine along with
one of the aliens. He successfully navigates the ceremonial greeting and
opening of talks/negotiations. Unfortunately as the talks progress Harper does
or says something that completely disrupts things. (though what it is exactly
is unknown). Spock, Picard and some of
his officers are called upon to amend the situation. They realize they must
tread very carefully now.
July 16 2013
These people have trained incredibly large insect like creatures to help with transport, they are also capable of space travel. (These ones similar in appearance to Giant Water Bugs, roughly the size of a truck)
There is some sort of element that is found all throughout the universe, but is concentrated in certain pockets. Another at least 4x larger insect creature has discovered the human activity and is curious and follows them to the dim planet (which always seems to be in state of twilight). In the dream I am now in the perspective of the large creature and am speaking with one of the giant water bugs, the people do not realize how intelligent their companions are. Something that the humans are doing or perhaps the planet itself has created an unusual concentration of the element. The smaller creature tells the respected larger that they have been able to "reach Gaia" because of this. The larger creature reflects on the incredible possibilities of this.
What I have forgotten is the extensive scene with some of the people attempting to complete a particular operation/mission in space.
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